WeYou is an innovative and intuitive method of exchanging contact information between the participants of conferences, congresses and meetings conducted under the Business Mixer formula. Printed business cards are passé. WeYou offers far broader possibilities and more convenient options.
An editable list of participants will be exported to your personal, fully secured WeYou account.
We will add NFC tags and program the identifiers. The identifiers and WeYou devices will be delivered to your event and distributed as per your preference.
We will additionally provide a multimedia kiosk to allow every participant to freely edit and modify their information.
The WeYou in touch brand is owned by the Jordan Group, a company with 30 years of experience in organising tourist events, conferences and congresses, as well as a leading tourist agency and tour operator. We employ our knowledge and extensive experience to develop innovative solutions, one of them being our proprietary WeYou system.
WeYou may offer us a chance to contribute to your conferences and events by enhancing them with a new level of interaction.
Feel free to reach out to us at:
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